A journey between art and sexuality to reclaim your pleasure and feminine power, without any shame or guilt, completely FREE and SOVEREIGN.
A workshop to dive into Sacred Sexuality, uncovering our sexual energy, which is our greatest life force. Based on the pillars of Magic, Healing, Freedom and Pleasure, this workshop will awaken your body energy and sensibility through dance, breathing, touch
and meditation.
The oracle magic enters to support the process of self-discovery and to unveil the mystery, so present in our healing and pleasure process. The objective is to free our being, beyond guilt and shame, allowing it to express all of its orgasmic power so that it can vibrate in our life.
Pelvic Dance for Women

Our pelvis moves the world. It is a life-generating part of our body - imagine what it can do to our vitality if we activate it!!
Decolonizing our bodies, which were conditioned
and blocked by guilt and shame of the patriarchy,
let us loosen the pelvis, shake our booties and
connect to our vibrant and potent energy!

An introductory workshop to unveil the mystery behind oracular cards, introducing concepts, symbols and archetypes of these multiple instruments that can be used as a tool for self discovery and guidance, to dive into subtle realms as well as our unconscious and the
reality around us.
Ritual dance & magic

Dance is a prayer.
A divine way to connect to your body.
Movement as ritual, an act of devotion to
yourself and to the Goddesses that are with you.
A free dance in full presence with rhythm,
breath, form.
A body prayer - Present. Vibrant. Alive.

An encounter between the feminine and masculine within. A sacred merging of forces
and energies, of the Sun and the Moon,
of the two serpents welcoming, honouring and recognising each other, without competition, integrated in full balance and harmony to create
a new reality of love within us
and in the outside world.

A portal to activate the sexual energy, make it rise through our body and up the sacred channels, and expand our heart and soul, connecting to Source and the divine.
Based on tantric sensitive touch, meditation, the practices of Horus and the sex magic of Isis, a journey to experience your ecstatic self on a different level.